Thursday, May 18, 2006 many...

I am soo lucky. I have the most amazing family that I absolutely adore. And so many gorgeous friends. I had a friend call me today and she was so wonderful. She said she had been thinking about me every day and wanted to do something, but didn't know what. She didn't just want to rock up with a casserole or something. So she said she'd just call to see if I was okay and to tell me to just ask her if I wanted anything, a coffee or go to a movie, or whatever. While I was on the phone to her all teary, my neighbour came over and gave me huge hugs, and stayed and made me a cup of tea. It was so lovely. I have another friend in different state and she calls me often just to tell me why she loves having me as a friend. And last night I was on the phone to yet another friend for two hours just chatting about life in general, and the previous night it was a different friend again. I am so blessed to have so many good friends.

Something I read once -- "If you want a friend, be a friend." Its something I've always tried to live by.. There are so many incredible people out there waiting to meet you...

Mum had lots of great friends. I must call them to see how they are.. Mum will be worried about them.

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