Monday, November 10, 2008

Love the Moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries

I painted all day yesterday. Nice.....

To complete the picture of the artist painting away in her studio, I made some mushroom and cashew pate a
dapted from Vegonomicon to make it low-sal. If I could drink alcohol a nice glass of red would have completed the picture. But a cup of tea in my sheep cup was pretty cool!

Check this out - my first food pho
to! (Okay, maybe need some more practice..)

Mushroom & Cashew Pate

1/2 cup chopped leeks
4 cups chopped mushrooms
1 tablespoon oil
1/3 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup verjuice (or white wine f
or those who can)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Saute leeks in oil for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and cashews and saute for a further 2 -3 minutes. Add verjuice and spices. Cook through and blend.

I served mine with rye toast. I didn't have enough mushrooms so mine is more cashew and mushroom!

1 comment:

x said...

Ooh, I've never made any type of vegan pate but yours sounds good! And I think it's a great foody photo too ;)