Sunday, February 03, 2019

As soon as the healing takes place, go out and heal someone else.... -maya angelou.


I'm restarting this blog after a drought of 10 years!  Wow - anyway, what's been happening in those 10 years is for another time. My reasoning for the restart is that I'm studying and I need a reflections home base. 

I'm very rusty at journal writing, but I'll give it my best shot!

How do I feel right now at the beginning of this body love journey?
Truthfully?  Beaten, tired, a little desperate. I would like to say pumped, excited, motivated.... But truthfully, my poor body is defeated.  I suffer from multiple auto-immune diseases, mostly rare and some still officially undiagnosed.  But a little part of me - a tiny glimmer of light is - this is the universe giving me an answer - some hope.

I sometimes feel angry and a little bewildered - like, how can a yogini, nutritionist, vegetarian buddhist be so unwell.  I do feel a victim sometimes - stupid I know.

How can I make this course a priority?
I am dedicating time for it depending on my health challenges.  I'm also reducing my work hours depending on my organisation accepting my request.

What will be easy about body love/body positivity?
What's easy I think will be the nurturing side of looking after my healing body.  The hard bit is the positivity - I believe that the body is an instrument not an ornament, at the moment - but its easy to get caught up in appearances.  Especially when you work in an industry where good health is measured on how you look.  ie, correct BMI, business suits, stiletto heels, perfect makeup and glossy perfectly tinted hair.  I am not always listened to or taken seriously.  I often think if I looked the part, people would pay attention.

What is my mission?
To live my best life and as, Maya says, as soon as the healing takes place go out and heal someone else.

The Pledge

I, janine, hereby pledge to stop dieting (for weightloss).
  • I promise to stop counting every bite and obsessing over numbers.
  • I promise to stop letting my scales tell me how beautiful, valuable or loved I am.
  • I promise to stop buying miracle weightloss cures that don't work.
  • I promise to stop giving my money to companies that rely on me feeling like my body is wrong.
  • I promise to respect my body's hunger.
  • I promise to that I will no longer use exercise as punishment for what I've eaten.
  • I promise to stop taking part in self-deprecating diet talk.
  • I promise to try my best to unlearn all the toxic lessons about my body that diet culture has taught me.
  • I promise to stop dieting, and start living instead.  YESSAH!!!
Signed - Me.  😍

** I inserted Weightloss because I unfortunately need to be on special diets to manage my various conditions.

This is me..

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