Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Art of Allowing, in a nutshell is CHILL. -Abraham

You have no cause for anything but gratitude and Joy. 

Allowing vs Achieving

This wonderful quote and the whole module is just so uplifting and joyous.  The weight that is lifted from my shoulders is huge.  My buddhist and yogic teachings have been gently coaxing me to just be and let go and trust myself that I do know what I am doing.  But the self doubt and external influences easily take me off my path.  

Just Be - so love this.  I have said it to so many people so many times, but I often forget to Just Be.  

My allowing practice that I'm doing every day, is in my work life.  Living with chronic illness can make working quite stressful and also work itself can have its stresses.  I let go and just allow.  I don't resist.  I take time to respond to queries, I don't react.  I am approaching my work life with grace and gratitude.

Be a Light unto yourself.  Be your own confidence.  Hold to the truth within.

Monday, June 24, 2019

There is no arrival; Uplevelling is an ongoing evolutionary process.

I fully trust and believe in the person I'm becoming. -Unknown


The big things that have changed for me in the past 3-5 years is my home.  If I go back a couple more years - moving to the coast after nearly 30 years inland was a big change.  Buying our new home here and renovating it.  I have also changed my career -  This was huge - I was in HR for over 25 years. I also changed industries.  I had 25 years working in mining and oil and gas.  Now I work in Primary Health.

My health has been a roller coaster ride. Sadly mostly down hill, but the upside is I have a much better handle on managing it. 

The next chapter could be interesting.  I am working towards improving my health and wellbeing.  I am wondering,now that I am really thinking about this, if my current job is moving towards its expiry date for me.  Maybe there is something out there for me that I need to be open to.

I'm not clear on what my limiting beliefs are.  I think perhaps money and health will be the things that would stop me from taking a chance.

So, to rewrite them in a positive way?  I am confident that I will always have enough money and I will be in good health and can do what works for me.

I will protect my energy around draining people.  I will learn how to say 'no' at the right times.  I will listen to my intuition about the relationships that are nurturing for me.



A Daily Ritual is a way of saying I'm voting for myself; I'm taking are of myself. -Martel Hemingway

I am slowly bringing new rituals into my every day life.  I am rising early and starting with a meditation.  I purchased a meditation cushion and I sit in a special place reserved for meditation.  I light a candle and rub an essential oil on my wrist and the back of my neck.

After 15-20 minutes of meditation, I have a dry brush massage and shower.  This is followed by a warm oil massage using jojoba oil.  I then do my yoga practice. 

I would like to do some self-care rituals in the evening, but this is a work in progress.  I look back on how far I've come and I'm confident, my work day and evenings will improve in time.

I would like to include more journals in my daily routine.  I have the morning pages, and art journals, but I would like to write more.  I live in my head and I think getting stuff out would bring clarity.

I have a couple of ideas for a birthday ritual.  One would be to visit a waterfall every birthday and sit and just listen, inhale the beautiful scents and watch to water.  Another would be to walk at night to a soundtrack.  Just enjoying the absolute amazingness of being alive!

"This is a wonderful day.  I've never seen this one before." -Maya Angelou

Embrace and Love your Body, it's the most amazing thing you will ever own. -Unknown



In my previous blog post, I talked about the wonderful reasons for including movement in my daily rituals.  Often work and illness can make this part hard for me.  But every day is a new start.  Eventually it will be part of my daily ritual.


I am blessed to have great relationships with my family and my husband.  We have our ups and downs like any family but I am so lucky to have my children and grandchildren living in the same town as us.  They may choose to live elsewhere one day, but for now we are doing so well.  They seem to like speaking to us daily and visiting a couple of times a week.  


I have a complex role but I work for a great organisation that shares my values.  I think I do need to do a little more work on how I respond in my work life.  I often take things to heart and get frustrated.  Its a work in progress.  As far as a career goes, its not bad given I'm about 7 years from retirement.   


Yoga.  Wow.  This is my world now. I started the yoga journey about 40 years ago.  I loved it then and love it now.  I have drifted away but I always come back.  I used to teach Hatha Yoga many years ago.  Maybe I could revisit.

"A body of perfect health, and strength, mind with all clarity and calmness.  Intellect as sharp as a razor, Will as pliable as steel.  Health full of love and compassion.  Life full of dedication and realisation of the True Self is the goal of Yoga." -Sri Swami Satchidananda

Sunday, June 23, 2019

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. A.A. Milne


This blog entry is about movement.  For me movement is a little bit challenging as I have Fibromyalgia and MCAD which makes exercise difficult.  Not impossible, just difficult.

I do know that an important element in pain management is movement.   It is so easy to curl up on the couch when you are in so much pain and when walking is not only painful but can cause a reaction of some kind.

But this is where my 'best self' methods come in to play.   I need balance - I am learning what activities give me energy and what takes the energy away.  Pain takes away the energy!  Oh my - in buckets!  

My reasons for wanting to include exercise in my day for the physical is not to look good, or all that crazy - because if I don't move, I won't move.  My body will seize up and I will need walking supports.  The emotional side of exercise, is that I love bushwalking and swimming - these are my meditation times and my time with nature. This is when I feel absolute joy in being part of this wonderful world.

My mental health definitely benefits from walks with my dog, and my husband.   This is the time when we solve the worlds problems. Spiritually, I am so full of love for this body when it works and so grateful to this beautiful planet.  I don't do workouts.  Only yoga, swimming and walking - the gentle arts.

Yoga is my saviour - but I needed to see a yoga therapist to find the right postures to avoid making things worse. With her guidance and support, I now practice yoga daily and I'm being my best self while living with chronic illness.

"Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement.  What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action." -B.K.S.Iyengar

Do what makes your soul happy -Unknown

I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent.  Caring for myself is an act of survival - Andre Lorde


In my toolkit I have:

Yoga, meditation, walking, beach walks, puppy cuddles, music, great vegan food, painting, massage, essential oils, grandchildren hugs.  And journalling. My toolkit is pretty well stocked -how does yours look?  

My perfect day:

My perfect day would start with yoga and meditation, and then a walk on the beach with my puppy.

A yummy breakfast on the deck and enjoying the beautiful view.  Light housework and then I would meet friends or family at a cafe for a lovely lunch.  While out I would buy a bunch of flowers.  

Then home to do some painting or bodhran practice.  A massage in the late afternoon.  A bit of light reading before dinner or maybe take my puppy for another walk near the harbour.  

Prepare a delicious meal and after dinner, off to a trad session at the Liberte.

hmm no room to go to work.... 😄😄

I have a great life - awesome family, good job, I love to paint and play my Bodhran, great friends - the best!, beautiful home with magnificent views.  Life is grand.

Journalling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time - Mina Murray


I was going to attempt a Vlog - unfortunately technology failed me.  Another time perhaps.

A little grab from my stream of consciousness writing- "I am immensely proud of how I handled such a crazy day yesterday.  I didn't beat myself up, I was calm, centred and open.
The old me would have struggled, but I was succinct, open, spoke easily and conversationally.  I wasn't stiff.
Maybe I could have stood up for myself a little, but my new mantra is 'grace, grace and more grace."  I want to be the one people want to talk to; the nice one; the smart one; the helpful one."
Five things I am grateful for:
  1. My beautiful man
  2. My family
  3. My precious grandchildren
  4. My health
  5. Albany
  6. and My puppy! I am so grateful for her.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind a spirit - BKS Iyengar

My desires for today and not huge - just to be my best self - a calm, graceful and a beautiful human. 

Tension is who you think you should be; relaxation is who you are - Chinese proverb


We shall find peace. we shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. -Anton Chekhov, 1897

I love meditating - just saying!  Sitting in silence - how absolutely wonderful.  How to make your life sparkly.  Gotta love sparkle. 

I have experienced many forms of meditation.  As a yogini, meditation is not a new thing, but it is one of the things that gets dropped when life gets busy.

I have used guided meditation, I have given guided meditation classes, and sometimes I just sit in wonder.  

Currently I am experimenting with Om Shanti and gonging.  Just to truly quiet my active mind.  

The body and mind are interconnected and interdependent. The body expresses the thoughts of the mind. If you have a happy mind, your face and body will reflect that happiness. - HH Sri Swami Satchidananda

Self compassion

I finally realised that being grateful to my body meant beginning to give more love to myself. - Oprah Winrey

This is so true and very relevant to me. Finding the Body Love method and joining the Academy has been instrumental in my healing journey.  I would still be struggling and battling with my body and be on this constant cycle of self-loathing and anguish.  My journey is going really well.  I have the occasional set-back, but I am definitely living a much more sparkly life now.

Peace, Light and love....xxxx

The body is the vehicle, consciousness the driver. Yoga is the path, and the chakras are the map. -Anodea Judith


Yoga and Chakras have been my world for the past 40 years.  Life's many distractions and the occasional tsunami has meant that I have drifted off my path many times.
Andrea Ferretti says that the Chakras are the blue print of your life and yoga is the architect that helps you to make that blueprint a reality.Happily, I am back on my path and working on that blueprint.I am working on my solar plexus, throat, and root chakras at the moment as I feel these are causing my imbalance in my healing.While I'm using yoga, medication and mantra's in my healing, these quotes are great to build the picture or design of my life.

Throat Chakra
“Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.” ~Amy Lowell
“May you hear and speak truth. May your life and your creations express the fullness of who you are. May you know ever deeper levels of truth.” ~Author Unknown
Solar Plexus Chakra
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.” ~Attributed to Hanoch McCarty
“You must have control of the authorship of your own destiny. The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” ~Irene C. Kassorla
Root Chakra
“Enjoy your body, use it every way you can. Don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it. It’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.” – Kurt Vonnegut
I love that last quote.  It really resonates with me as I learn to live with these autoimmune diseases. 

Positive Anchors

“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” –Mary Engelbreit

Positive Anchors

About positive anchors - they are something that will carry an emotional charge which will change our emotional response to either positive or negative depending on what it is.  A positive anchor will induce positive and useful emotional responses or attitudes. 

My positivity ratio is fairly high - in my mind I am a bit of a Pollyanna.  Although I do get bought down fairly quickly by others' negativity.  I guess this shows someone of weak character.  I can be charging along in my little bubble of light, love and sparkle and someone will point out the shadows and, "bam" there's the dark cloud - out goes the light.

 My husband's Nanna was a very wise amazing lady and she would say to me "Count your blessings everyday."  Which I do, it's sort of like a gratitude journal in my head.  I do have a gratitude journal and I sometimes write it down, but mostly it's in my head. 

I like to embrace the love I have for my family and notice the beauty around me.  I have done this since my earliest memories. My hubby finds it irritating.  Haha!  He will be venting about someone or something, and I will look at the positives or the learnings of the incident.  

Music and nature are my 'go-to' positive anchors.  I like to have a personal soundtrack to tackle my day each day, and I like to notice the beauty of life around me.  I also have my buddhist saying - "Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have, on hand at the time."  It helps when someone is having a bad day and would like to take me down with them.