Sunday, June 23, 2019

Do what makes your soul happy -Unknown

I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent.  Caring for myself is an act of survival - Andre Lorde


In my toolkit I have:

Yoga, meditation, walking, beach walks, puppy cuddles, music, great vegan food, painting, massage, essential oils, grandchildren hugs.  And journalling. My toolkit is pretty well stocked -how does yours look?  

My perfect day:

My perfect day would start with yoga and meditation, and then a walk on the beach with my puppy.

A yummy breakfast on the deck and enjoying the beautiful view.  Light housework and then I would meet friends or family at a cafe for a lovely lunch.  While out I would buy a bunch of flowers.  

Then home to do some painting or bodhran practice.  A massage in the late afternoon.  A bit of light reading before dinner or maybe take my puppy for another walk near the harbour.  

Prepare a delicious meal and after dinner, off to a trad session at the Liberte.

hmm no room to go to work.... 😄😄

I have a great life - awesome family, good job, I love to paint and play my Bodhran, great friends - the best!, beautiful home with magnificent views.  Life is grand.

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