Sunday, June 23, 2019

Journalling is like whispering to one's self and listening at the same time - Mina Murray


I was going to attempt a Vlog - unfortunately technology failed me.  Another time perhaps.

A little grab from my stream of consciousness writing- "I am immensely proud of how I handled such a crazy day yesterday.  I didn't beat myself up, I was calm, centred and open.
The old me would have struggled, but I was succinct, open, spoke easily and conversationally.  I wasn't stiff.
Maybe I could have stood up for myself a little, but my new mantra is 'grace, grace and more grace."  I want to be the one people want to talk to; the nice one; the smart one; the helpful one."
Five things I am grateful for:
  1. My beautiful man
  2. My family
  3. My precious grandchildren
  4. My health
  5. Albany
  6. and My puppy! I am so grateful for her.

Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind a spirit - BKS Iyengar

My desires for today and not huge - just to be my best self - a calm, graceful and a beautiful human. 

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