Sunday, June 23, 2019

A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise. A.A. Milne


This blog entry is about movement.  For me movement is a little bit challenging as I have Fibromyalgia and MCAD which makes exercise difficult.  Not impossible, just difficult.

I do know that an important element in pain management is movement.   It is so easy to curl up on the couch when you are in so much pain and when walking is not only painful but can cause a reaction of some kind.

But this is where my 'best self' methods come in to play.   I need balance - I am learning what activities give me energy and what takes the energy away.  Pain takes away the energy!  Oh my - in buckets!  

My reasons for wanting to include exercise in my day for the physical is not to look good, or all that crazy - because if I don't move, I won't move.  My body will seize up and I will need walking supports.  The emotional side of exercise, is that I love bushwalking and swimming - these are my meditation times and my time with nature. This is when I feel absolute joy in being part of this wonderful world.

My mental health definitely benefits from walks with my dog, and my husband.   This is the time when we solve the worlds problems. Spiritually, I am so full of love for this body when it works and so grateful to this beautiful planet.  I don't do workouts.  Only yoga, swimming and walking - the gentle arts.

Yoga is my saviour - but I needed to see a yoga therapist to find the right postures to avoid making things worse. With her guidance and support, I now practice yoga daily and I'm being my best self while living with chronic illness.

"Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement.  What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action." -B.K.S.Iyengar

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