Sunday, June 23, 2019

Positive Anchors

“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” –Mary Engelbreit

Positive Anchors

About positive anchors - they are something that will carry an emotional charge which will change our emotional response to either positive or negative depending on what it is.  A positive anchor will induce positive and useful emotional responses or attitudes. 

My positivity ratio is fairly high - in my mind I am a bit of a Pollyanna.  Although I do get bought down fairly quickly by others' negativity.  I guess this shows someone of weak character.  I can be charging along in my little bubble of light, love and sparkle and someone will point out the shadows and, "bam" there's the dark cloud - out goes the light.

 My husband's Nanna was a very wise amazing lady and she would say to me "Count your blessings everyday."  Which I do, it's sort of like a gratitude journal in my head.  I do have a gratitude journal and I sometimes write it down, but mostly it's in my head. 

I like to embrace the love I have for my family and notice the beauty around me.  I have done this since my earliest memories. My hubby finds it irritating.  Haha!  He will be venting about someone or something, and I will look at the positives or the learnings of the incident.  

Music and nature are my 'go-to' positive anchors.  I like to have a personal soundtrack to tackle my day each day, and I like to notice the beauty of life around me.  I also have my buddhist saying - "Everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have, on hand at the time."  It helps when someone is having a bad day and would like to take me down with them.  

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