Sunday, June 23, 2019

Tension is who you think you should be; relaxation is who you are - Chinese proverb


We shall find peace. we shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. -Anton Chekhov, 1897

I love meditating - just saying!  Sitting in silence - how absolutely wonderful.  How to make your life sparkly.  Gotta love sparkle. 

I have experienced many forms of meditation.  As a yogini, meditation is not a new thing, but it is one of the things that gets dropped when life gets busy.

I have used guided meditation, I have given guided meditation classes, and sometimes I just sit in wonder.  

Currently I am experimenting with Om Shanti and gonging.  Just to truly quiet my active mind.  

The body and mind are interconnected and interdependent. The body expresses the thoughts of the mind. If you have a happy mind, your face and body will reflect that happiness. - HH Sri Swami Satchidananda

Self compassion

I finally realised that being grateful to my body meant beginning to give more love to myself. - Oprah Winrey

This is so true and very relevant to me. Finding the Body Love method and joining the Academy has been instrumental in my healing journey.  I would still be struggling and battling with my body and be on this constant cycle of self-loathing and anguish.  My journey is going really well.  I have the occasional set-back, but I am definitely living a much more sparkly life now.

Peace, Light and love....xxxx

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